Here I will help you create yours
Up for a Free Watercolor Challenge?
Discover the magic of watercolors with me. Dive into this free course and unlock your artistic potential. Lifetime access.
creator & teacher
Hi! and welcome to my space.
I´m Kristina, a creator and teacher based in Barcelona.
I am a creative soul with a passion for watercolor, abstract art and sharing all I know to help both, you and me, in our creative journeys.
Come and discover my new studio.
In Mirasol, Sant Cugat del Vallés.
This is where you will find me now. :)
In the mornings this is my working space, my studio from which I will be creating, learning and making my art evolve.
In the afternoons I am going to be dedicated to teaching art for kids in English.
If this interests you please check out all the info here.
This lovely space will host not only classes for kids. Art classes for adults, birthdays parties, team building events. If you need a space to host your special event just let us know. Shoot us an e mail and we´ll be more than happy to give all the info.
Looking forward to meeting you!
En Mirasol, Sant Cugat del Vallés.
Aquí es donde me vais a encontrar a partir de ahora.
Este va a ser mi espacio de trabajo profesional, donde por las mañanas voy a crear, aprender y hacer evolucionar mi arte.
Por las tardes voy a estar dedicada a dar clases de artes plásticas en inglés. Para niños sobretodo. Si tienes interés en estas clases puedes encontrar toda la info aquí.
Este maravilloso espacio va estar dedicado también a clases de acuarela para adultos, fiestas de cumpleaños, eventos de team building. Si necesitas un espacio para tu evento, envíanos un e mail y estaremos encantados de poder darte toda la info.
You can take a look and buy my art here
Let´s stay in touch! Be the first to know about new classes, artwork and other resources.